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Where To Get Minimally Invasive Vascular Treatments in Singapore

Vascular surgeons play a critical role in diagnosing and directing care for a broad range of complex health issues. We take pride in providing individualized care, treating everyone as family. Our team interacts closely with other internationally recognized vascular pathologies and has close associations with the best vascular departments in other countries. Together, we provide the finest patient care, from diagnosis to treatment, and life-changing help for all types of individuals with a wide spectrum of vascular diseases.

VIC believes in providing comprehensive patient care and education. Therefore, all patients are personally seen by our consultants. VIC effectively performs surgical procedures with all the advantages of minimally invasive techniques. The location of VIC within a tertiary hospital means that other specialists such as anesthetists, cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and urologists are all available if needed. Hence, complex patients are managed smoothly with immediate backup support if required.

Vascular and Interventional Centre (VIC) was set up to fulfill the vision of providing cutting-edge minimally invasive vascular services to complex vascular patients. The aim is to provide minimally invasive treatment for all kinds of vascular problems with minimum downtime and minimal hospitalization.

Overview of Services

The VIC recognizes the importance of continuity of care to achieve the best outcomes for our patients. Our team of vascular specialists provides comprehensive patient management for all vascular problems. Our team of medical professionals, including vascular surgeons, endovascular surgeons, nurses, and technicians, ensures that patients receive prompt and caring treatment. We provide non-surgical interventions to treat a variety of conditions, including Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), Varicose Veins, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Fibroids, and more.

The Vascular and Interventional Centre (VIC) has a team of specialists in minimally invasive vascular treatments and endovascular therapies, as well as the latest treatment options for a range of problems. Our team of specialists has the experience and skill to perform complex procedures with minimal risk or downtime and maximum results.

Understanding Vascular Conditions

You may have an aneurysm if you have certain risk factors like heavy smoking, family history of disease, hypertension, and other heart-related diseases. An aneurysm is a bloodstream deposition in the walls of aortic arteries. If these deposits turn into a sore, they can cause tears in the arteries’ lining, causing blood flow to stop. This will backflow into the artery that is affecting the main organ in the body, and that can cause the organ to cease functioning. To minimize this, an ultrasound screening can be done. However, if you have already developed a large aneurysm, minimally invasive endovascular aneurysm repair can be a fruitful treatment. This involves a stent tabletop and is an outpatient treatment.

Peripheral arterial disease occurs when there is a fatty build-up on the walls of the arteries. This can limit the blood flow, which can cause pain in the legs. A severe disease can cause gangrene or dead tissues. Non-invasive tests, such as an ankle-brachial index (ABI) evaluation (which compares the proportions of blood pressure in your ankle to the blood pressure in your upper arm), can be done to differentiate the kind of disease you might have. Based on the results found, several minimally invasive treatments can be suggested.

Varicose Veins: Causes and Symptoms

Varicose veins are most commonly found in the superficial veins of the legs, located just below the skin. Venous blood from the lower limbs normally returns to the heart via deep veins within the muscles, rather than the surface veins. After the deep veins collect the blood beneath the knee level, the superficial veins at the thigh level transport the venous blood to the heart. The superficial veins usually contain one-way valves that direct blood flow from the legs to the heart. When patients suffer from chronic venous insufficiency, the leg valve malfunctions and blood reflux results in unhealthy reverse blood flow which ‘pools’ within the superficial vein, causing it to enlarge and form a varicose vein. Depending on the severity of the venous reflux or severity of symptoms, the underlying veins will need to be treated with either endovenous laser ablation, ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy, or surgery to alleviate the reverse blood flow.

Varicose veins are a common condition, affecting approximately 20% of the adult population. They are more common in women than in men. Varicose veins refer to the presence of enlarged, twisted veins close to the skin’s surface. The condition develops when the ‘one-way valves’ inside veins malfunction. When these valves fail to close fully, blood flows in the wrong direction, causing it to pool and veins to weaken and swell. The condition causes vein discomfort and embarrassment for patients and has a substantial negative impact on one’s quality of life. The presence of varicose veins often signals a worse underlying problem whereby the veins are poorly supported and could potentially lead to the formation of venous ulcers. For effective spider veins treatment Singapore offers numerous specialized clinics with advanced procedures.

Minimally Invasive Treatment Options

Aneurysm Repair Devices are a variety of stent-graft designs are available, so choosing the right one for the proper patient, anatomical condition, and aneurysm shape is crucial. All of the stent-graft devices consist of three parts: two stents that create a new channel through the aneurysm and a new vessel wall.

Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair is a minimally invasive procedure to completely or partially block the blood flow into the aneurysm. The procedure can be performed through different approaches, with certain devices and stent characteristics. After successful aneurysm exclusion, the goal is to prevent the aneurysm from rupturing ultimately. A condition in which the blood supply is cut off can occur in a small number of patients and is usually the result of blood clot formation within the aneurysm that blocks the vessels which supply the blood to the bowel. In this case, the patient has to go through another procedure to re-establish the bowel blood supply. If this is not promptly detected, bowel damage may occur, which can be life-threatening. Instruments for minimally invasive thoracic aortic aneurysm repair.

A variety of abnormal conditions and diseases of the blood vessels can now be managed through minimally invasive procedures. Similarly, certain diseases and conditions affecting the lymphatic system can be managed via various minimally invasive procedures. The minimally invasive procedures to treat abnormalities of the blood vessels and lymphatic system have been developed and are carried out by specialists known as endovascular specialists. The term endovascular means inside the blood vessels. In most cases, endovascular procedures are now preferred as they involve no major operation, provide shorter recovery times, ensure less time spent at the hospital, and carry fewer risks of complications. They also often deliver better results than conventional open surgery. These specialist doctors are trained and certified as vascular surgeons. The following minimally invasive procedures are performed to treat the vascular and lymphatic conditions.

Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment for curing blood vessels from varicose and spider veins. The procedure is straightforward and generally takes about 15-30 minutes. People accustomed to sclerotherapy describe it as clinicians introducing a solution (a sclerosing mediator) with a micro needle, connected directly into blood vessels aberrant. The sclerosing solution also creates these equal surfaces and experts who move the surface. If you’re seeking spider vein treatment Singapore has many experienced professionals to help improve your condition.

Expertise in Varicose Vein Treatments

To find the best varicose veins doctor Singapore is home to several highly qualified vascular specialists. Endovenous varicose vein treatment ranks as one of the common procedures adopted by the Vascular and Interventional Centre. It is an ultrasound-guided, minimally invasive procedure that utilizes laser, radiofrequency heat, or substances to close off the saphenous vein to address the primary cause of varicosity. Vein stripping operations have been more or less abandoned because of the development of new techniques such as these, taking the lead. These procedures are performed in an outpatient setting, and the patients tolerate the low impact well. The process targets the underlying cause of varicose vein development and minimizes or eradicates the enlarged vein problem. Over time, the huge bulging varicose veins resolve over months, and the adjacent skin will be smooth and unremarkable. With no surgical wounds or stitches, any scarring will not be visible. Of course, not all varicose veins can be well managed with this endovenous technique. Small perforator branches and residual visual varicose veins may require selective treatment or foam injections.

Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins that are usually blue or dark purple, often occurring in the legs. Besides being unsightly, varicose veins can cause pain or discomfort, leading to more serious problems. At the Vascular and Interventional Centre, specialists are well-trained in diagnosing and managing a wide variety of venous insufficiency issues, from the superficial veins right down to the deep veins and perforator veins. This is important as even though the swollen and unsightly varicose veins can be easily seen superficially, a variety of rare and insidious conditions affecting the deep venous system can present as unsightly leg veins.

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